What's new

Sustaxo. Measuring compliance with sustainable taxonomy
September 14, 2021We are developing a tool – Sustaxo – that helps the Estonian SMEs to gain a competitive advantage with environmentally sustainable business. It is a tool that will enable businesses to measure their compliance with EU sustainable finance taxonomy. Being able to asses a business operation’s compliance with sustainability standards is becoming ever so valuable information as […]

Second training course with Trash Hero World lead to new learning tool
September 14, 2021A new learning tool focused on identifying false solutions in waste and resource management is now available. The tool was largely developed by Seema Prabhu, the programme director at Trash Hero World, who took the idea from our first training round on how to spot false solutions. With our collective effort it is now a […]

Training Zero Waste Ambassadors
September 13, 2021How would you imagine Zero Waste Ambassadors work? During the week of onsite training program in Slovenia we saw a variation of zero waste ambassadors all across Europe who all have their own challenges to face when going back home. At the end of the week we could all say that we are on the […]

PRESS RELEASE: Single-use plastics pollution: where does Europe stand?
July 1, 2021New reports show achievements and failures of governments across Europe and highlight growing initiatives to address the challenge Brussels, 01 July 2021 Today, the Rethink Plastic alliance and the Break Free From Plastic movement released two reports, an assessment of policy measures adopted by EU countries to phase out single-use plastic and a catalogue of […]

BEZWA project working on full speed
June 15, 2021Our BEZWA project (Building European Zero Waste Academy), which started at the end of last year, is moving towards its most exciting phase – live training events in Slovenia and Belgium in September. Due to well-known virus we have moved our Zero Waste Ambassador training from June to beginning of September, but we are still […]

New book: Unpacked! Plastic, Waste, & Me
June 3, 2021The book about plastic for people aged 12 and over Specifically developed and designed for a young international audience, the digital book “Unpacked! Plastic, Waste, & Me” answers 70 questions about plastic in colorful infographics and six true stories. Book designer and author Gesine Grotrian and a team of experts from the Heinrich Böll Foundation together with an advisory […]

Zero Waste Ambassadors in Africa – building connections over difficulties
March 29, 2021This year we kicked off our training programs a bit different. Despite the physical distance, network and language barriers, the participants felt that the connections made between people were one of the greatest assets of the training. In February and March we held a 4-week online training course “Zero Waste Ambassadors” for community leaders in […]

Call for European Zero Waste Ambassadors and Trainers
March 29, 2021We have opened applications for two exciting training opportunities – for Zero Waste Ambassadors and Zero Waste Trainers – deadline for both is April 19th (possible to apply for both)! Apply here to be a Zero Waste Ambassador! Apply here to be a Zero Waste Trainer! Despite ambitious EU legislation in place, progress towards zero […]

Digitalisation and waste management
March 15, 2021Circular economy, AI and technological innovation are terms that are used more and more these days. Not the least when talking about fighting waste pollution. In February 2021 The European Environment Agency (EEA) put together a briefing of a report about digitalisation and waste management that gives an overview of the main pros and cons of […]

Sign the #We Choose Reuse commitment
February 15, 2021In order to make reuse the new normal, we together with organisations all around Europe are collecting signatures. Make sure to give yours! SIGN THE COMMITMENT Oh, and by the way, did you already sign the commitment? SIGN HERE