Circular economy and zero waste implementation for social impact

Our tools to accelerate transition to circular economy and zero waste are tailored specifically to their local communities and provide access to the best of Let’s Do It Foundation – our people, network, and technologies.

Acceleration tools

Kick-starting systematic change, scaling good solutions and boosting innovation.

We are a springboard for local initiatives that strive to bring positive change to their communities in the spirit of collaboration. Our network opens doors to capital, mentorship, marketing, business development, customer acquisition, and talent recruitment.  

We are harnessing entrepreneurship and thrive to improve livelihoods for a world free of waste, with focus on waste (material) management and prevention systems. We are focused on strengthening sustainable waste (material) management eco-system by developing strategic partnership with key stakeholders – municipalities, investors and civil society.

Zero Waste Training Handbook

The aim of Zero Waste Training Handbook is to support the implementation of the Zero Waste Ambassador and Trainer curricula, with the overall goal to strengthen and spread zero waste competences among change makers across Europe. It offers some exercises and materials to anyone wanting to train Zero Waste Ambassadors and/or Trainers. Teaching principles described in this handbook are quite universal, thus making it useful to anyone wishing to improve their teaching, especially in complex problems
such as many environmental issues.

SuSTool: Sustainability Assessment Tool

Measuring sustainability in a company is an obligation for a few from 2025, but an opportunity for everyone!

EU-wide standards are being developed that provide a good opportunity to analyse a company’s supply chain as well as internal procedures to identify significant environmental and social impacts.

Under EU law, certain companies are required to disclose information on how they operate and manage social and environmental challenges. In April 2021, the EC adopted a proposal for the Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) that would amend the existing reporting requirements. The reporting company will also have to provide certain data on the sustainability parameters of its suppliers (e.g. scope 3 GHG emissions) and in the near future, it will request data from a large number of SMEs that are part of its value chain. The tool to be created by the Interreg project will help SMEs in particular.

The project develops and pilots a solution for the service and ICT sectors, consisting of:

  • A digital reporting environment with guidance, allowing companies in the service and ICT sectors to see and evaluate their performance against EU-wide sustainability standards;
  • Recommendations for companies on how to bring their activities into compliance effectively.

SusTool project (2023-2025) is financed by Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme, and it contributes to EUSBSR PA Innovation Action 2 ‘Digital Innovation and Transformation’. The project is led by Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications.

Read more about standards:


Sustaxo is a tool that helps the Estonian SMEs to gain a competitive advantage with environmentally sustainable business. It is a tool that will enable businesses to measure their compliance with EU sustainable finance taxonomy. It will help companies easily understand their impact and plan their business in accordance with the EU regulations.


Accelerate to zero – A20 – is an accelerator for social enterprises in developing countries helping organisations build circular market places and create jobs especially among the vulnerable groups and relieve the problem of waste. The main target group for the accelerator program are people who are willing to work intensively to form their concept of a social enterprise. Our regional accelerators are tailored specifically to their local communities and markets, and provide access to the best of Let’s Do It Foundation – our people, network, and technologies.

Green Tiger

Green Tiger is a collaboration platform in Estonia which is designed to boost environmental awareness and create a basis for a green economy just as Tiger Leap jump-started the development of Estonian technology sector in the 90’s. Their program is built around the issues of reducing thoughtless consumption, focusing on reusing resources and taking steps to fight climate change. The Green Tiger team is creating a roadmap how to implement Keep It Clean Plan on a national level.  The program launched officially 27 Aug 2020. Visit their site

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