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WeChooseReuse Action & Signature Handover
October 12, 2022On the 12th October 2022, the Break Free From Plastic movement and #WeChooseReuse campaign is organising a Reuse Exhibition in front of the European Parliament in Brussels. It will consist of an exhibition of panels showing what 2040 could look like if reuse were to be supported and implemented across Europe, in opposition to what […]

Winter is coming: Plastic has to go
September 30, 2022New report reveals the urgency to cut plastic production to reduce the European Union’s dependence on fossil fuels and Russian oil and gas. As the EU faces a looming gas shortage, EU countries are looking to consumers to shoulder the brunt of reductions and are pursuing deals to secure new fossil fuel supplies. At the […]

Screening of the Let’s Do It! movie
September 9, 2022Let us know if you are coming (spots are limited) HERE 14 September 2022, at 18.05 (just after we close The First Estonian Zero Waste Conference) Location: BFM SuperNova Cinema, Narva mnt 27, 4th floor, room N-406 A documentary “Teeme ära!”/”Let’s Do It!” by Jaak Kilmi, Aleksandr Heifets and Kiur Aarma. “Let’s Do It!” […]

First Estonian Zero Waste Conference agenda is out!
August 10, 2022The conference takes place at Tallinn University Conference Centre, Uus-Sadama 5 in Tallinn. Registration to the conference has already ended. 9:00 Registration and morning coffee 9:30 Opening of the conference 9:45 Opening session “Contexts for Zero Waste” Welcome words on behalf of Zero Waste Europe by Jack McQuibban, Zero Waste Cities Coordinator “Zero Waste – the […]

Five surprising things I have learned in the BEZWA project about learning
August 4, 2022Written by Kadri Kalle, Education Program Manager Almost two years ago we started our BEZWA project (Building European Zero Waste Academy) and I can say that most of us in the team thought that we already knew how to teach zero waste topics. But in this time all of us have learned a lot and […]

Applications open for the first Estonian Zero Waste Conference
June 3, 2022Let’s Do It Foundation and Tallinn University are inviting you to join the First Estonian Zero Waste Conference in Tallinn on the 14th of September, 2022. Apply here until August 22 midnight CET Zero waste is one of those things that everyone seems to be talking about and yet many don’t really understand what it […]

Open call: PR training seminar for your Keep It Clean Plan
May 2, 2022Let’s Do It Foundation offers 25 ambitious civil society activists to participate at a training seminar to develop their PR strategies that promote the key actions of the Keep It Clean Plan. The training is suitable for both advanced organisations who need help in polishing their PR strategies, as well as those who are only […]

Save the Date! First Estonian Zero Waste Conference
May 2, 2022Pre-registration request form Let’s Do It Foundation and Tallinn University are inviting you to join the First Estonian Zero Waste Conference in Tallinn on the 14th of September, 2022. For many people zero waste means lifestyle of using your own water bottle and take-away cup. But zero waste is much more than that and actually […]

Greenwashing in Fast Fashion: Is There a Way Out?
May 2, 2022Some time ago we shared a blogpost about greenwashing in fast fashion, focusing on the case of a Chinese brand called Shein. This post focuses on whether a world without greenwashing is even possible and what kind of policies should be in place to prevent greenwashing on scale. A world without greenwashing is possible Individuals […]

Greenwashing in Fast Fashion: The Case of Shein
April 5, 2022Greenwashing is using environmental language to boost sales while simultaneously destroying the environment. The website greenwash describes and explains the phenomenon as follows: Greenwashing is increasingly widespread and can be found across numerous sectors from food and fashion to energy, electronics, and finance. It can be subtle, for example with the use of logos and […]