National reuse package system could be adopted first in Estonia

Opportunities for refill, reuse and package free shopping are growing everywhere around the EU. Let’s Do It Foundation is advocating for reuse system developments in Estonia and across the EU. With the recent developments, Estonia may become the first country where a reuse system may work nation-wide. That means the circulation of collecting, cleaning and reuse of packages would become accessible to all people and businesses. Such a precedent may provide input to packaging standards that could scale in other countries and also define what EU policies could look like in the future.

Perhaps the most important point to make is that reuse is no longer an environmental issue. Circular economy can only really happen if there is a business case behind products that last and flow. Positive environmental impact must just become a natural part of doing business in the future. Below we list some key activities that have made 2021 a turning point for system change when it comes to reducing packaging waste:
1) Actively promoting #wechoosereuse to businesses and municipalities
2) Refill Day 2021
3) SUP Directive implementation
4) Collaboration platform for reuse businesses in Estonia
5) Taking an active role in being present in national media on the topic of reuse

There are nearly 10 companies already operating in Estonia that offer solutions for reuse systems or products and services needed for the system. On the 3rd of November Let’s Do It Foundation and Responsible Business Forum called together a seminar where different parties of the system discussed possible future scenarios for a national reuse system to develop. This collaboration network is crucial to keep all system developers up to date and support growing the market share of reusables.

The Estonian national system may roll out in three different scenarios that were discussed in detail at the first meeting. In any case, what matters is a clear signal from policymakers to encourage waste reduction and new circular business models. It is also important that local governments would realise how reuse business can help them achieve their waste reduction targets, create new jobs and help grow new sustainable businesses.

Let’s Do It Foundation continues its advocacy work for reuse systems in 2022 and welcomes all partnership for further developments. Contact us [email protected] for further details.

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