Start making a change with our training workshops
Waste prevention and circular use of resources can be addressed on a local level. But there is no one-size-fits-all solution to waste. Our experts will guide you through hands-on training on the solutions that work for you. You’ll get the knowledge and readiness to kick-start a transition towards a circular economy.
Our training approach is based on the “Zero Waste Training Handbook”, which means we use the main principles of educational psychology to deliver long-term learning on zero waste and circular economy solutions. Our training methods and topics have been developed together with experts on waste management, zero waste and education, and combined with years of training experience of our trainers.
The content can be tailored to any group in or outside of EU. If you are interested in our trainings and training materials in Estonian, please go to our Estonian page.
Our training topics
- Zero Waste as systems change (for municipalities, organisations)
- Basics of Circular Economy
- Circular Economy business models (using CIRCO model)
- Reuse systems
- Basics of teaching complex problems and teaching skills
- Critical thinking and greenwashing
Training Programs
- Zero Waste Ambassador program based on Zero Waste Ambassador Curriculum
You can strengthen and learn to spread your zero waste competences to drive your community towards long term systemic change. You will know the most important concepts and practical knowledge of how to implement zero waste strategies. This is for you, if you are actively working with different stakeholders and your job is to influence decision making in the regional governance.
- Zero Waste Trainer program based on Zero Waste Trainer Curriculum
This program gives you a framework and a set of principles to be able to teach the most important concepts and practical knowledge of how to educate different target groups on zero waste and other complex topics. If your job consists of workshops and training sessions or even just public performances about circular economy and zero waste, you will learn to become more effective at it.
Get certified as a Zero Waste Ambassador or Trainer, by individually working through the curriculum or after completing the training program. A Zero Waste Ambassador and/or Zero Waste Trainer Certificate is certified by Zero Waste Europe and gives its holder the confidence to lead and consult change management for circularity.
Request a training
Fill in your request for a training program fit for your group. See section Kick-start your process. You can also subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of this page to learn about open calls.
Prices for trainings programs vary.
Please consider these questions when asking for a price proposal:
- Who do you wish to train? How many people?
- On what topics/skills/knowledge would you want the group to be trained? In other words: what is the change you would like to see in them?
- Do you prefer onsite or online training?
- Do you have a specific timeframe in mind for the length of the training?
Our main principle is adaptability to the needs of the learners. We always take enough time to get to know what skills and knowledge is missing in our participants, and choose our methods accordingly. We also prefer longer trainings over shorter ones, with more than one session with the participants, because we know that true learning takes time.

sustainable waste management training in Tallinn (2020)

Zero Waste Trainers training in Brussels (2021)

Zero Waste Trainers training in Brussels (2021)

Zero Waste conference in Tallinn (2022)

sustainable waste management training in Tallinn (2020)

Zero Waste conference in Tallinn, data workshop (2022)

Zero Waste conference in Tallinn, better trainings workshop (2022)

Zero Waste conference in Tallinn, municipalities workshop (2022)
Our past trainings
Onsite training for sustainable waste management in Tallinn, 2020
We organized a 2-day training for community leaders from developing countries. The participants had to apply through an open call and we had participants from 9 countries in 4 continents. Participants had to submit a pre-work on their national waste situation, that was embedded into the onsite training activities. The training was followed by 2 webinars later in the year – on behaviour change and waste policy – topics selected by the participants themselves. Half a year after the training also catch-up call was organized to see what follow-up projects the participants had implemented in their home communities.
Hybrid training for Cox Bazaar refugee camp managers on zero waste solutions, 2020
Together with Danish Refuge Council and European Environmental Bureau we offered a 4-day training, where the trainers connected online to a group of participants onsite. The participants could do their group work in a physical space, and a local translator acted as a bridge between the trainers and participants. The training included both short presentations and group work with feedback from the trainers. The training focused on practical zero waste solutions suitable for Bangladesh setting.
Online training “Zero Waste Communities” for Trash Hero, 2020 and 2021
We offered an online training for Trash Hero volunteers in Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia, including translations into local languages (organized by Trash Hero). In the first round we offered a 2-day training and in the second round a 4-week long training, with online sessions once a week followed by a weekly homework. The second training round also resulted in creating a greenwashing learning tool. Read more about it here. For both rounds we included local zero waste experts as trainers.
Online training “Zero Waste Ambassadors in Africa”, 2021
We organized a 4-week online training for different community leaders in Africa. Participants had to apply through an open call and we had participants from 13 African countries. The course had one 5-hour session every week, with homework tasks in between. To bring in African know-how into the trainers’ team, we partnered with Tanzanian zero waste organization Nipe Fagio. The online training was also followed up by two webinars on biowaste treatment and practical zero waste solutions, both topics chosen by the training participants themselves. 8 months after the training we also had a catch-up call to see how the participants had implemented their learnings. More about the training can be read here.
Training program “Zero Waste Ambassadors” online and onsite in Slovenia, 2021
As part of an Erasmus+ funded BEZWA project, we organized 5-day training in Slovenia for European zero waste activists. The participants had to submit a pre- and post-training task and participate in webinars before and after the training, the training itself included also site visits to different Slovenian zero waste examples. More about the training here.
Training program “Zero Waste Trainers” online and onsite in Brussels, 2021
As part of an Erasmus+ funded BEZWA project, we organized 5-day training in Brussels for European zero waste professionals. The participants had to submit a pre- and post-training task and participate in webinars before and after the training, the training itself also included teaching practice for all the participants.
Testimonials from participants
“This training opened my eyes that the solutions offered in the market may not be the ‘best solution.” – participant from Trash Hero Zero Waste Communities training (2021)
“Thank you for creating this safe and warm experience for all of us. It felt great to have such great tutors, organizers and fellow students.” – participant from the sustainable waste management training in Tallinn (2020)
“I enjoyed the interactive nature of the training, the excellent time-keeping, the kind and respectful language that the trainers use towards participants – was really impressed with this!” – participant from the online African Zero Waste training (2021)
“It made me think how to do better some of the examples we saw, I realized new things that I don’t know yet, new questions I wasn’t able to ask before.” – participant from the Zero Waste Ambassadors training in Slovenia (2021)
“It exceeded my expectations. I learned many things and I gained skills that already helped me to perform much better in the lessons/trainings I teach.” – participant from the Zero Waste Trainers training in Brussels (2021)
“This training course has changed my perspective of public speaking for educational purposes. I learned that when teaching I should focus much less on my own ideas and more on the audience creating knowledge on its own.” – participant from the Zero Waste Trainer online training (2022)
Our trainers
Kick-start your process
Interested in our training programmes? E-mail to Program Manager Kadri Kalle at [email protected] or fill in the form below:
More of our solutions
Inspiring keynotes
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Clean Cities
We help local governments to improve the quality-of-life and prosperity for citizens and businesses by making sustainable resource and waste management easy.