Applications open for the first Estonian Zero Waste Conference

Let’s Do It Foundation and Tallinn University are inviting you to join the First Estonian Zero Waste Conference in Tallinn on the 14th of September, 2022.

Apply here until August 22 midnight CET 

Zero waste is one of those things that everyone seems to be talking about and yet many don’t really understand what it is. From a systemic point of view it is the practical toolkit for implementing circular economy on a local level, where expertise is still very much lacking. For this reason our international team of experts has put together Zero Waste Ambassador and Trainer curricula and the materials to support them. At this conference we will introduce all this and more!

The conference offers discussions, networking with like-minded people and interactive workshops. At the end of the conference, we hope you will be both inspired and be better equipped to make systemic changes within your organisation, community or among your learners.

The initial workshop topics of the conference are: 

  • How the Zero Waste Training Handbook can help you create better trainings
  • Zero Waste as a systems change for municipalities
  • Why is data at the core of Zero Waste?
  • Tracking and addressing misconceptions in a humble (yet effective) way
  • Green skills in formal education system

The conference is open for everyone, but the content is most relevant to:

  • Representatives of local municipalities and ministries
  • Local and regional development centres
  • Educators and trainers
  • Higher education representatives
  • Environmental organisations and initiatives

The conference will be held in English* and is free of charge for the accepted participants. 

All applicants will be notified by August 24 about the selection results.

Participants need to cover their own transport, accommodation and other related costs to get the the conference.

*some workshops at the conference will be in Estonian.

This event is funded by the European Commission Erasmus+ programme and it’s the final event of the BEZWA project (Building a European Zero Waste Academy). BEZWA was a collaboration between Let’s Do It Foundation, Zero Waste Europe, Ekologi brez meja, Estonian University of Life Sciences and Tallinn University with the main aim to create a strong educational framework in support of the zero waste cities movement in Europe.

Side-events on September 13th and 15th
We are offering some additional side-activities with a small participation fee!

September 13
Field trip in Tallinn to reuse and recycling sites
Price: 10€
The afternoon field trip includes visits to three sites: Tallinn Waste Recycling Centre, Reuse Centre Uuskasutuskeskus, Deposit System Manager Pandipakend

September 15
Parallel workshops
Duration of all the workshops: 9.00-13.00. All workshops are held in English.
Price: 40€

1. Improv theatre methods – upskill your public performance and teaching
Trainers: Kadri Kalle and Karolina Tiigimäe, Ruutu10 improv school
Mainly useful for: educators, trainers or anyone else wanting to get better at communication, being creative and authentic with their learners.
What is the workshop about: Communication is something where we can always improve ourselves. Apart from being a form of comedy, improv theatre can help us become better listeners and team players or simply less critical towards ourselves and our mistakes. And of course also helping us to become better improvisers in general. The beauty of improv is that it gives the possibility to train these skills in a fun and playful manner. Plus you can learn some ice-breaking and energizer games. Lots of laughter guaranteed.

2. How to teach about complex problems using methods that truly support learning
Trainer(s): Grete Arro and/or Mihkel Kangur, Tallinn University
Mainly useful for: educators, trainers or anyone who needs to help people understand complex problems (like circular economy, food systems, biodiversity and so on)
What is the workshop about: Most of our current environmental challenges are related to understanding complex systems, which assumes thinking of emergence, non-linear interactions, adaptivity and other properties that do not characterize simpler systems. This requires methods that allow learners to think deeply, discover their misconceptions and construct and test new knowledge themselves. In this workshop some main principles that help to do that will be introduced and of course everything will be done in a practical manner so get ready for some active thinking and brain work.

3. Introduction to Circular Design (CIRCO methodology)
Trainer: Kadi Kenk, Let’s Do It Foundation
Mainly useful for: businesses wanting to implement circularity and teachers who want to learn more about how to teach circularity to companies.
What is the workshop about: CIRCO is a circular design method that facilitates companies to take the first step in creating business in a circular economy. A tool for businesses to innovate and for policy makers to fuel the circular transition. A highly interactive workshop in which you see how to identify circular opportunities and experience how to take concrete first steps in the development of circular products, services and business models with circular business models and design strategies.
See more about CIRCO:

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