We support Ukraine

As a part of the UN Major Groups and Other Stakeholders we publish the following statement.

UN Statement by the Major Groups and Other Stakeholders in Support for Ukraine on the occasion of the Russian Invasion

On February 24th, Russian troops entered the territory of sovereign Ukraine and launched the first strikes on Ukrainian cities, violating all possible international laws and treaties. More than 100 000 people were displaced in the country in one day after the attack started, 137 people were killed and 316 were injured on the Ukrainian side only.

The international community was working to eliminate such risks of war and now we see that the UN and its Security Council could prevent the attacks from Russia on Ukraine. As civil society advocates for the fulfilment of the 2030 Agenda and it’s SDGs, we know that without peace there is no development. Likewise, without respect for human rights and international law, there will be no peace. Peace is the foundation of the UN and one of the five pillars of the SDGs.

We agree with the Secretary General that the consequences of this invasion are not only devastating for Ukraine and the Russian Federation, but for the entire world. This war will impact the global economy in a moment when we are emerging from the Covid-19 pandemic and its devastating financial impacts. We are already off track to achieving the SDGs. This pernicious attack will set us back even further.

We call the international community, on all Member States and the UN, to use all diplomatic and peaceful means possible to stop the scaling up of military actions by Russia. We further call on the UN through the Security Сouncil to continue to call for a cease fire and removal of Russian troops in Ukraine, despite Russian opposition.

We support the voices of human rights defenders and civil society in Ukraine and are ready to amplify their calls for peace. We stand in solidarity with Ukrainian citizens, and all those affected by war and conflict throughout the world. Moreover, we are in solidarity with Russian civil society who does not support any military action and have clearly expressed it in statements (see Solidarity with Ukraine and Call for Peace in Europe – EU-Russia Civil Society Forum). We condemn the persecution of those voicing opposition to this invasion, including the 1705 people who were arrested in Russia for protesting for peace.

We know that war does not lead to better outcomes for people and the planet. We demand the maximum respect for human rights, peace, justice, and international solidarity. We demand for the lives of people to be front and center above any geopolitical interest. We believe in human rights, peace, justice, and international solidarity.

Citizens around the world are fighting collectively to overcome the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the rest of the crises that go through us. Now, more than ever, we demand responsibility from political leaders, that they live up to the expectations of citizens of the world and the historical context in which we live.

Today we are heavy hearted, but we do not have the luxury to lose our hope and belief for peace!

Neither war that destroys us, nor peace that oppresses us

February 25, 2022

For more info call +5491164783635 or +4517647788728 or +34671104622


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