ESG Tool that supports companies’ sustainability journeys and reporting

In collaboration with partners from Estonia, Finland, Latvia, and Lithuania a joint procurement is launched, it is aimed at finding a developer for an international web platform ESG Tool that supports companies’ sustainability journeys and reporting.

🔹 The platform will be based on EU-wide standards (ESRS) and will offer a digital self-assessment tool to help companies evaluate their operations.

🔹 Available in English, Estonian, Finnish, Latvian, and Lithuanian, it will provide recommendations for aligning business activities with sustainability requirements.

🔹 This initiative aims to reduce the administrative burden on entrepreneurs and simplify sustainability reporting.

The development contract for the “ESG Tool” platform will be awarded to one provider for a year, with bids accepted until July 5, 2024.

This initiative is part of a broader effort to promote digital innovation and sustainability in the Baltic Sea region, funded by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region.

Project partners include the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia as the lead partner from Estonia, and as partners, the Estonian Ministry of Finance / Rahandusministeerium, the Kliimaministeerium / Ministry of Climate of Estonia, KIK (Environmental Investment Centre), ITL Estonian ICT Cluster, Let’s Do It Foundation, DIMECC Oy and the Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö – Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment (Finland) from Finland, The Latvian Information and Communications Technology Association – LIKTA and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development from Latvia, INFOBALT and the Ministry of Economy and Innovation from Lithuania, and WAMA COOP from Poland.

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