We have launched the Training program for civil society leaders

Our main principle from the start was adaptability to the needs of the learners. A part of preparing the training is getting to know what skills and knowledge our participants are lacking, then to choose the appropriate methods accordingly.

The trainings are not just one-time meetings. We are a part of a global network of civic activist and it is our mission to grow the network of dedicated and active people moving towards a zero waste world. We encourage keeping in touch with each other, sharing challenges and victories to be all part of each other’s success stories.

Kadri Kalle, the author of the training program has briefly answered questions to help determine, if you too could benefit from organizing this training for your community or participating in the next open call for participants.

How do I know this is for me?

It is for you if you already have experience in organising events (e.g cleanups, rallies) that mobilise people, know the main issues around waste and want to do more for a profound change.

What will I get out of it?

Our aim is to support with knowledge, skills and tools to move forward on the zero waste journey.

How can I apply what I learn at the training?

The training tackles different angles of the problem, so it gives you variety of options, for example:
– how to choose the right method for your work, what technologies to campaign for;
– the hands-on approach gives specific practical tools that can be put in to use in your local area (how to conduct a waste audit and use its results or minimise the impacts of landfilling);
– the soft skills, understanding the way we as humans think and act can be applied if you are interested in the change behavioural change aspects of waste management.

What is particular about a training program for developing countries?

Developing communities usually face particular challenges due to their infrastructure (or lack of it) for waste management. We have put special emphasis on practical steps without fancy technologies or lots of money. In some ways, the lack of infrastructure or long-term sustainable investment liabilities give more freedom and allow for more creativity.

What kind of development opportunities can the participants choose from?

If you are serious about change and invested in your Keep It Clean Plan we offer follow-up support and even a chance to become a trainer yourself.


The webinars focus on a specific topic and explore the diverse world around it, e.g.policy instruments, behavioural change, bio waste collection, plastic strategies.


If you are involved in a concrete initiative, we provide mentoring from experts on the needed field to provide feedback and help develop your project.


If you have previous experience with training and teaching, we can offer training of trainers, focusing on teaching methods, how to design a learning experience.

We emphasize that going zero waste may even be easier in a developing community because you are not facing rigid systems already in place. Make sure you subscribe to our newsletter iso you will be up to date with the upcoming training programs, or contact [email protected] directly.

Pictures of the event

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